Bi-part silicone rubber mold. Three-dimensional wooden matrix piece. Buy on our website: http://bit.ly/2QWDubE Whats: (11) 96791-7293 Store: (11) 2089-9999 Answering questions - Ref. Making silicone molds To make your own silicone mold to reproduce pieces, you will need to ask and answer some questions in advance, such as: • What type of material is the model made of = (plaster, wood, resin, clay, ceramic, etc.) • What type of mold is your model made of = (single-sided, bi-partite, etc.) • What type of silicone rubber is most suitable = (Hardness: soft, medium or hard) • What material will be cast into the mold? (polyester resin, epoxy, polyurethane, plaster, cement, paraffin, glycerin base, biscuit, low-melting metals, siq borflex rubber, etc.) • How many pieces will be reproduced? (small, reasonable, many pieces) Given these answers, we can define which is the best silicone rubber and which is the best technique for making the mold. Therefore, given the question above, each one will be able to identify their need. Siquiplás will be able to indicate the best rubber and the best way for you to make your mold, guiding the forms of reproduction with the lowest production cost. TYPES OF SIQMOL: SOFT 6002 (white) 6008 (dark blue) INTERMEDIATE 6014 (white, ocher, blue, beige, pink and black) 6022 (gray) SEMI-RIGID 6028 (white) TH 600 (red) 6050 (black) *CATALYSTS: Siq catalyst for Siqmol - SLOW Siq catalyst for Siqmol - FAST Siq catalyst for Siqmol - Super fast - SPEED Consult which is the best catalyst for the type of silicone and molding process.