Welcome to the Two Hands knitting club channel! In this broadcast we talk about merino and types of sheep wool. The yarn that we show in this live broadcast can be found on our website by entering the article name, key yarn data (composition, footage, color name) in the search bar. If you cannot find some position on our website, this means that the yarn, unfortunately. ________ Italian yarn on spools, HiyaHiya knitting needles and accessories, project bags, knitting markers! Master classes! A cozy place for knitting! We are always glad to see you in our clubs: in St. Petersburg at the address: Sadovaya str. 14/52, the first arch from Sadovaya str. in Moscow at the address: Bolshaya Sadovaya, 5, bldg. 2 Contacts: Vkontakte: https://vk.com/twohands_pro Telegram: https://t.me/twohandspro Online store: https://twohands.pro Phone in St. Petersburg: +7(812) 679-06-67 Phone in Moscow: +7(499) 277-19-29