AlHijrah TV SLOT: Waalaikumussalam (Repeat Broadcast) FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 2-4 AUGUST 2024 Title: Remind Me About Heaven Time: 11:30 PM Appearance: Ustaz Mohd Azli B Abdullah, Chairman of Musolla ArRaudhah and Host - Amie Sofia The saddest people when faced with a calamity and disaster are those who see this world as their final destination than all their hopes, but if they do something in the world with the Hereafter always oriented and believe that the Hereafter is better and eternal, every disaster can be turned into a blessing. Description of the Beauty of Allah SWT's Heaven Word of Allah SWT: Meaning: "And convey the glad tidings to those who believe and do good, that for them (are prepared) heavens beneath which rivers flow. Every time they were given sustenance of fruits from heaven, they said, "This is the sustenance that was given to us before." They have been given similar (fruits). And there they (obtain) chaste spouses. They remain in it.” (Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 25) Therefore, remind yourself of the eternal pleasures of heaven. Pour our thoughts on the happiness of the Hereafter, surely all misfortunes will feel light and the heart will always be happy. O people who are chasing the paradise of Allah SWT, continue to do good deeds with righteous deeds. May Allah SWT make us His servants with good character and noble character by making Rasulullah SAW as the best example to follow and forgive our past sins and give us pleasure in this world and the Hereafter. Allahumma Amen. Unite the Ummah, With Knowledge' #musollaarraudhah #tvalhijrah