Watch all episodes of the dramedy "Lilies of the Valley. Such Tender Love" only on Wink.ru: https://clck.ru/3Eqws8 According to the plot, Katya Orlova and Lyokha Danilin meet in a small Russian town and get married on the same day. He is an ordinary guy, and she is a refined "billionaire's daughter" who grew up in London and lost her parents in a car accident. Their relationship is a struggle of opposites. Starring: Nika Zdorik, Sergey Gorodnichy, Evgeny Koryakovsky, Irina Pautova, Valeria Lanskaya, Vladimir Sterzhakov, Ekaterina Essen, Anna Safronova, Denis Stepanov, Vladimir Tyaptushkin and others. The production is the responsibility of NMG Studio together with the World Russian Studios company with the support of ANO IRI. #LiliesoftheValley #NikaZdorik #SergeyGorodnichy #ZhenyaTrofimov 📍 Subscribe to the channel: / @winkrus 📍 Telegram: https://t.me/WinkRussia 📍 Telegram "Combination": https://t.me/kombinaciya_winkofficial 📍 VKontakte: https://vk.com/wink.russia 📍 VKontakte "Combination": https://vk.com/kombinaciya.wink