Since neither sponsored content nor advertising revenue is available anymore, I am attaching the card number: 4276 3300 1941 6502 This is completely voluntary, but THANK YOU in advance! The medical supplies of the units undergo much more serious tests before being accepted for supply than any, no matter how advanced, thematic blogger can afford. But on the other hand - why not, when yes? So, how will the LEAF tourniquet perform after freezing - this is the aspect analyzed in the new video, which is already available on my channel. Enjoy watching and may the Force be with you! PS: The video clearly shows the reason that prompted, at one time, to abandon the Red Army tourniquet tourniquet. You understand what I'm talking about, right? LEAF profile on VK: https://vk.com/leaf_project Link to the turnstile: https://vk.com/market-184168711?w=pro...