Contact us: https://clc.to/zel.vector Telegram channel https://clc.to/zelvector.telegram Our VK: https://clc.to/zel.vectorvk Instagram: https://clc.to/zel.vectorinst Phone: +7(911)925-41-63 Our profile is all types of earthworks, landscape design according to the project, landscaping, improvement in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. 00:00 Start 00:25 Preparing the base for the lawn 02:21 Planting garden plants 03:21 Choosing plants 05:42 Arrangement of thujas 06:25 Arrangements at the entrance to the house 07:05 How to form a flowerbed 07:43 Limiting the flowerbed with a border 08:25 Currant on a standard 09:14 Result of landscaping work 09:23 Yellow and white chrysanthemums 09:48 Spiraea Vanhouttei 10:08 Thuja Kornik 10:42 Flowerbed covering a septic tank 11:33 Planting and caring for the plant 14:23 Pine, Azalea and Hydrangea 14:58 Spherical thujas 16:15 Christmas fir Concolor 16:38 Orchard 17:16 Apple tree Everest 18:10 Landscape works St. Petersburg 19:20 End Landscape design begins with soil preparation. In this case, the builders brought in soil with increased acidity, which we took out and filled with new fertile soil, now the base for the lawn is ready. After leveling the surface, we, together with our landscape designer Snezhana, made markings. Design for future flower beds, coniferous compositions and an orchard. For planting some plants, we used fertilizers and special soil, for example, conifers or flowers need their own type of soil. We decided to form flower beds from garden plants using the border tape geoplast, it is great for separating the lawn and plant compositions. More about choosing perennial and coniferous garden plants: At the entrance to the site, we are greeted by beautiful flower beds in which spherical chrysanthemums of white and yellow colors, the "Brandove" and "Sunny" varieties, are planted. The gas installation will be hidden by a hedge of Spiraea Vanhoutte flowers, when they grow, they will give a beautiful floral array. The neighbor's fence is hidden by folded thujas, the "Kornik" variety. We hid the septic tank lid with a beautiful composition of different varieties of garden plants; In this flowerbed we used both coniferous plants: Juniperus cossackii "Tamariscifolia", Juniperus scaly "Blue Carpet", Juniperus rocky "Blue Arrow", and floral plants: Barberry thunbergii "Atropurpurea", Hydrangea paniculata "Polar Bear", Hosta montana "Aureomarginata", Hydrangea large-leaved "Nikko Blue", Rhododendron "Grandiflorum", Chrysanthemum multiphora "Sunny". Compositions in triangular shapes: a hedge of Japanese spirea, Mountain pine "Mops", deciduous azalea and Hydrangea large-leaved "Sibilla". The second composition was decorated with spherical thujas: Thuja "Woodwardii", "Danica Aurea", "Tiny Tim" and pyramidal thuja "Smaragd". The New Year tree was replaced by a Concolor fir. The garden of fruit trees was formed from pears, the Paradise apple tree Everest, currants on a standard and cherries with plums. The entrance to the house was decorated with two compositions in which panicle hydrangeas "Silver Dollar" were used, and conifers: juniper Schlager, Spruce Nidiformis. The entire complex from a roll lawn to compositions of garden plants was implemented in six days. We are ready to provide our services in the implementation of any land, landscape work, we are waiting for you. #garden #plot #gardenPlants