???? Do you want to be a great car audio installer? Check out my complete training. Click here ????????https://www.eunaupmotors.com.br/insta... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A feature that is very popular with customers, with a low cost for the installer and that can yield an average of R$70.00 is the automatic radio shutdown function when the car alarm is activated. Note that many customers have the radio and the alarm but don't even know that this is possible, so it's a good idea to offer it to them and take advantage of it along with another service you're doing on the car. It's possible to do this with an adapted alarm, with an original alarm and even with an original locking system even without an alarm. Let's talk about the procedure for each of these scenarios. What we see most in Brazil are cars equipped with adapted universal alarms. These already have a specific output wire to activate the radio. It works like this: identify the red wire on the radio, disconnect it from its original position and connect a separate wire long enough to reach the alarm wiring harness. When you get there, check the alarm manual for the color of the wire corresponding to the output for the radio and connect it directly there. Note that the yellow wire on the radio remains connected to the positive wire. This way, every time the alarm is activated, the alarm control unit will cancel the sending of the positive signal to the wire, which in turn will cancel the sending of the positive signal to the red wire on the radio, which will cause it to turn off. When the alarm is deactivated, nothing will happen, but when the door is opened, this wire returns with the positive signal and the radio turns on again in exactly the same configuration as before, since the memories were maintained thanks to the positive wire on the yellow wire that remained intact. If the car is equipped with an older alarm that does not have an output for controlling the radio, an original alarm or an original remote control system on the key with only an electric lock system, then you will need the help of a device called MDR200 manufactured by FKS. This device is cheap and easily found on ML. It works in a similar way to the universal alarm, deactivating the radio when the door is locked and reactivating it when the door is opened. Its installation consists of positive and negative power supply and the signal from the open door sensor plus the activation wire. The question here is how to identify the activation wire in the car. This will be the wire that has a positive or negative signal when the doors are locked. Every electric lock system has a control unit and there it will be possible to find this wire with the help of a test pen. Once you have detected which wire has a signal when the doors are locked, simply connect it to the MDR activation wire. Note that even without a control, the radio will be turned off because even when the locks are activated using the key in the door, the MDR will be activated. I hope I have clarified how to automatically turn off the radio with the alarm or with the car's lock system and I await your next topic, thanks. Complete Courses, all in 1 Place! I teach you with the best techniques of today, with my method that has already been tested and approved by more than 2,600 students in Brazil and other countries. The most complete course in Brazil, without messing around. I know what works in practice within a workshop and I will teach you in a simple and online way, from basic to advanced. You will learn, even if you have no knowledge, until you perform the services just like the best professionals you know. ⚡ Successful Electrician. Click here ???????? https://www.eunaupmotors.com.br/eletr... ???? Car Sound System Installer. Click here ????????https://www.eunaupmotors.com.br/insta... ---------------------- ▶ SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL / upmotorscentrodeforma%c3%a7%c3%a3oautomotiva ---------------------- ????FOLLOW ME ↴ ▶ Facebook: / eunaupmotors ▶ Instagram: / eunaupmotors ▶ Telegram: https://t.me/Eletricista_UpMotors ▶ Website: https://www.eunaupmotors.com.br/