Nuclear physicist Dr. Götz Ruprecht is in favor of restarting German nuclear power plants. He himself works in this field and is currently developing a new reactor concept which, as he says, is "the first new civilian reactor development in decades." By using two liquids in the reactor core, it is possible to build extremely small and therefore all the more energy-efficient. Here is the link to the entire program: https://bit.ly/3YnYaLC #nuclearpower #nuclearpower #quarteraftereight ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???? BILD IM TV Get our news channel on your TV - several hours of live programming every day! ???? You can find instructions for your TV here: https://on.bild.de/BILDimTV ???? New service for satellite receivers - the channel list with BILD TV for download: https://on.bild.de/BILDTV_SAT ➡️More information at https://www.bild.tv ???? Our BILD LIVE broadcast schedule: https://on.bild.de/sendeplan ???? The web live stream: https://on.bild.de/BILDimTV ????BILD on Telegram: http://t.me/hallo_bild ???? Our newsletter on the Ukraine war. Subscribe here: https://on.bild.de/3syjqkf ❤️ The war in Ukraine threatens millions of children - we are helping, please help you too! All information here: https://www.ein-herz-fuer-kinder.de/p... ???? Our podcasts on YouTube: https://on.bild.de/BILD-Podcasts-YT ???? The best documentaries with BILDplus are available here: https://on.bild.de/BILDvideothek ???? Betting manipulation! Fraud! Homelessness! Jail!: GONE - How a gambling addict lost EVERYTHING: https://on.bild.de/3fTlvzD ???? "Heroin in Berlin" - The poison from the subway The exclusive report: https://on.bild.de/2M3mVfQ ???? Undercover agent "Miami Gianni" spills the beans: Undercover between pimps, rockers and clans - https://on.bild.de/3dZGq0K ???? "I want to be your mistress! Young dominatrixes in action!” – Aurora Nia Noxx trains the dominatrixes of tomorrow https://bit.ly/3DntaBu ???? “The Snow King” – From policeman’s son to drug boss: The German Pablo Escobar now tells EVERYTHING https://on.bild.de/32XIq7a ???? Our moderators and commentators: Thomas Kausch: / kausch_bild Patricia Platiel: / platiel_bild Kai Weise: / weise_bild Felicia Pochhammer: / pochhammer_bild Nena Brockhaus: / nenacasc Claus Strunz: / clausstrunz Paul Ronzheimer: / ronzheimer Filipp Piatov: / fpiatov Jan Schäfer: / schaefer_j Imprint: https://on.bild.de/impressum #bild #bildtv #bildlive #news #nachrichten