#Trillecchia #Caramel_Cake #Milk_Cake #Cake #Turkish_Cake #Cream #Trend May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. God willing, today we will make together Trilecchia or Turkish milk cake with a light and fluffy cake and an easy way without separating the yolks from the eggs. It will not take you any time at all and its result is amazing. Fluffy and light, light in color, and soaked in milk. Try it and I am sure you will like it ♥️???? Ingredients ???????????????? 4 medium eggs 200 grams of milk equivalent to a cup 5 grams of vanilla equivalent to a small spoon 200 grams of sugar equivalent to a cup 100 grams of oil equivalent to half a cup 285 grams of flour equivalent to two and a quarter cups 35 grams of starch equivalent to a quarter cup 16 grams of baking powder equivalent to a packet or a large spoon 10 grams of vinegar equivalent to a large spoon A pinch of salt to soak the cake 800 grams of milk equivalent to 4 cups + two spoons of sugar or as desired Layer The tatie ???????? 200 grams of Chantilly cream is equivalent to 2 cups 100 grams of sugar is equivalent to half a cup 400 grams is equivalent to a tablespoon 2 cups The third layer ???????? A cup of sugar A cup and a half of water A large spoon of starch A pinch of salt A pinch of vanilla The method in detail is in the video and bon appetit in advance ♥️???? Turkish milk cake, Turkish trilecha cake with milk, milk cake, trilecha, Turkish milk and caramel cake, milk cake recipe, trilecha cake with milk, milk cake, milk and caramel cake, the easiest way to make Turkish trilecha cake with milk, trilecha milk cake, Turkish trilecha milk and caramel cake, milk and caramel cake, milk and caramel cake, trilecha Turkish milk cake, Turkish milk cake with a wonderful taste, Turkish milk cake trilecha Turkish milk cake, milk cake, milk cake with caramel, Turkish milk cake trilecha, milk cake recipe, milk and caramel cake Turkish, milk and caramel cake, milk cake, Turkish dessert with milk, Turkish cake, Turkish milk cake Nadia, Turkish milk and caramel cake Trilecha, Turkish milk cake, milk and caramel cake, Turkish milk cake, Turkish cake with milk, Turkish milk cake method, Turkish Trilecha cake, Turkish milk cake Chef Omar, Turkish milk cake Aya Habib Cream caramel, cold biscuit cake with caramel cream, milk cake with caramel, caramel cake, how to make caramel sauce, cold dessert with cream caramel, cold cake with cream, cream caramel cake, cream caramel, cold dessert, caramel sauce, the easiest way to make a cold cake, a cold and quick cake with biscuits, cream caramel in the oven, cream caramel without an oven, caramel cake, caramel cake, cold cake, how to make cream caramel, caramel, caramel sauce, cold dessert, Turkish caramel cake, how to make Turkish milk cake, Turkish cake, Turkish trilecha cake, Turkish, Turkish trilecha, cake, Turkish cake, Turkish cake, how to make Turkish trilecha, how to make hohoz cake, soft chocolate cake, Turkish trilecha, Turkish milk and caramel cake, how to make Turkish trilecha cake, Turkish, how to make Turkish trilecha cake, Turkish trilecha cake with caramel, Turkish love cake, how to make simple chocolate cake, how to make Turkish trilecha trilecha, Turkish trilecha cake, trilecha cake, trilecha kunafa, trilecha cake with milk, trilecha cake, Turkish trilecha cake with milk, Turkish trilecha cake, how to make trilechi, trilecha, how to make trilecha torte, trilecha milk cake, Turkish trilecha, trilecha with milk and caramel, the famous Turkish trilecha cake, Turkish sweets Trilecha, how to make Turkish Trilecha cake, how to make Trilecha Musaksha, Turkish Trilecha cake, let's make Trilecha cake with you from your kitchen Cake, Cake, Turkish cake, cake method, milk cake, pound cake, Chef Omar's cake, Chef Omar cake, sponge cake, vanilla cake, yogurt cake, Abu Julia cake, orange cake, Chef Omar's cake, the most successful cake recipe, how to make cake, cake method, cake secrets, successful cake recipe, Turkish kitchen, Turkish kitchen cake, cake baking method, cake method, how to make cake, how to make milk cake, how to make a successful cake, cake, daily soft cake, sponge cake secret, how to make the easiest cake recipe, regular daily cake, Syrian cake Chef Omar Al-Qashtoota, Al-Qashtoota, Al-Qashtoota, Al-Qashtoota, Al-Qashtoota with milk, review of Al-Qashtoota, Al-Qashtoota method, Al-Qashtoota experience, rice Cream with milk, cream with vanilla and mastic, # cream cake, cream with milk, cream with caramel, cream made in a milk shop, cream soaked Lotus in Belgian sauce, cream soaked with banana and fresh strawberries, comparison between msakhsakh and cream with milk, cream, cream, cream at home, how to make cream, cream with caramel, cream with Rasha Al-Shami, cream with mango, cream with milk, how to make cream for dairy shops cream, cream, cream, cream with milk, rice with milk cream, cream with milk, cream with milk, cream, cream method, with milk, cream made in a milk shop, review o