Fethullah Gülen Response to the Call to “End Exile!” 65. Tune



Published on Sep 29, 2014
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Dear Friends, In the afternoon chat a few hours ago, we asked the Honorable Hodjaefendi the following two questions: Question: 1) Is it right to evaluate the Turkish Olympiads only in terms of language education? Could you please share your thoughts on the Turkish Olympiads in terms of its past, present, future and goals?” Question: 2) Could you please share your thoughts on our Prime Minister’s “invitation to end the sad exile”? Our honorable Hodja made very nice explanations and comments on the subject of Turkish schools, Turkish language teaching, devoted teachers, Olympic shows and the tears of guest students during parting in relation to the first question. God willing, you will be able to find the entire conversation, including this section, on our Bamteli page starting on Monday. As we promised, we are presenting what our honorable Hodja said in response to the second question. With respect… The conversation is transcribed verbatim: Estağfirullah. Let me say this right away: He did what was befitting of him. But it is not the first time; both the President and he, there were things they said openly, there were things they told me through a means. Other statesmen also displayed that generosity that befitted them; I have heard it many times until today, those of those friends who came to me also suggested the same things; they said, “Isn’t it time to come to Turkey?” Now, they are doing what is their duty, what befits them. Saying “I” or “I” is also a very ugly thing, in my humble opinion, I should do what befits me. Now they invite, they say come, it is normal. The people may look at them as if they had to invite them. And indeed, I think when the rhythm and dose of the applause there increased a little, the Prime Minister probably got such an image of a demand and he said “I understand”, in other words, he also demonstrated his understanding there. The people can say so; when they call, if they don’t call I can’t go, Turkey is not a safe place, therefore I might get into trouble, I might get into trouble (it might be thought that I don’t go). Then the February 28, April 27 issues happened. There were threats during that period too, in fact I was in America again in 1997. When there was an important change somewhere the head of state called me and said “come”, he said “the situation has changed, this place is safe and secure”. I went. I came to Mayo Clinic again for the hospital, I came for treatment then. Maybe I came to have a stent inserted then. That’s where it all stopped. Actually I didn’t worry about myself. I don’t have anything to tie me to the world. If I say these things it would be a bit like an assertion. I didn’t have a single stone. I didn’t have any children. I didn’t have any plans for the future. I have always considered these to be contrary to the cause and thought that I am a member of, that I have devoted my heart to, and that I have made my dream goal. I have never had any worldly love, I have never been attached to anything. Although many attractive things came to my feet, I did not say, “Let this be mine too,” or think. I only wanted the glorious name of Muhammad to be loved everywhere. But I could not say what was true and say what was to be said on that subject. I confused my ego. I could not control my voice. Let me come to your question: I have never been worried for myself, in fact I used to say, “Maybe they will hang me when I am 44,” and I said, “Since they didn’t hang me in 44, I am 55, which is a multiple of 11..” “Maybe they will hang me then!” It became 66, and I said, “Maybe they will hang me then,” but they didn’t. I have always lived with those dreams. My Lord is witness to this. However, if you have a dream, an ideal; if there is a one percent chance that you will go there so that there will be no new problems in Turkey, some unrest will not occur, some gains will not be lost, God forbid, if this will harm these issues, then I would not want to go there with that concern, not for myself but with that concern. If I see a picture that will eliminate that concern... then what the poor will know. What the poor will know... Saying "what I will know" reeks of egoism again, I will not say "what I will know", what the poor will know.

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