Hi, it's been exactly 3 months since my gastric sleeve surgery and I wanted to update you again. I think it was a very useful video in which I answered questions and talked about the supplements I use. I hope it was equally useful for you. There is no collaboration in my video. However, since I used the brand name and visual, I am legally obliged to write an advertisement. In other words, I would like to emphasize that I did not get a budget from this video. Supplements I use: Advertisement Multivitamin-omega: https://links.kyani.com/8x1BJ Probiotic: https://links.kyani.com/ihwcM Collagen: https://links.kyani.com/jTwDM Biotin: The 10,000 mg version of the Jamieson brand, but I've been drinking it for 4 days and I can't tell if it has an effect or not. You can subscribe to my channel and like my video to support me.