In Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu, or simply Tsukimichi, Makoto Misumi has subordinates that we have already met here on the channel, some of them have already appeared in the anime, but others have not yet. What if I told you that one of his subordinates will BETRAY Makoto? That's right, as if the Goddess wasn't enough, will we have a new problem for our beloved Makoto? For those who are lost and don't know what the anime is about, Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu portrays the story of Makoto Misumi, who is summoned to an alternative world as a brave warrior. Unfortunately, the goddess of that world said to him with disdain, "Your face is ugly", took away his title and banished him to the outskirts of the "woods". After being literally discarded, the Goddess summons two new heroes, Hibiki and Tomoki. And while wandering through this wild land, Makoto encountered dragons, spiders, orcs, dwarves, and all sorts of non-human species. Due to the differences in the environment from his home world, he now displays extraordinary powers in magic and combat. The subordinates we all know are: Tomoe, Mio, and Shiki. But then there is Tamaki, who is a Shrine Maiden and has not yet appeared in the anime. Tamaki is not her real name and she has had many different names and aliases from an unknown amount of time in her existence. She is currently in servitude to Makoto Misumi, who gave her her current name. Her origins are still a mystery to Makoto, as is what she really did for her former masters. Since we already know Tomoe, Mio, and Shiki well, what could this new subordinate be capable of? And in the end, which of these subordinates really had the courage to betray Makoto? If you're curious to know the answer, just get some popcorn ready and sit on the couch because this video is awesome! And of course it will contain SPOILERS, so stay tuned! Oh, and if you like Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu like I do and want to stay up to date with all the curiosities, leave your suggestions for topics in the comments, because here on the channel all suggestions are welcome. And also let us know if you're looking forward to the new season of the anime. Playlist for you to know all the curiosities about Tsukimichi: • TSUKIMICHI: THE TRUE POWERS OF... Hope you enjoy! Join our Discord: / discord Social Networks: 📸 Instagram: @bn4ss 🐥 Twitter: @bn4ss Contact Email: [email protected] ♬ Music: ✓ Music by Epidemic Sound #Tsukimichi #TsukimichiSpoilers #MakotoMisumi