The seventh edition of the show "Truths about the Past" of this season, broadcast on Wednesday, November 28, at 10:00 PM, on #TVR1, in which Roxana Tarhon and the show's team proposed a report about the savings of Romanians and the CEC http://bit.ly/AdevaruriDespreTrecut During the years of the communist regime, the Savings and Depository House - as it began to be called in 1948 - was the only financial institution to which ordinary citizens had access. From the very beginning, the institution dealt with the financial education of Romanians, trying to teach them to save. Since the state used the money drawn from the population, the activity of attracting customers continued throughout the communist period. The idea of being frugal, of collecting white money for rainy days, was evident in all the Party's guidelines. The lifestyle imposed by the leaders, through the code of socialist ethics and equity, defined modesty as the most valuable quality of the communist citizen. / fantvr1 / tvr1.ro http://www.tvr.ro http://www.tvrplus.ro / tvrcanaluloficial All intellectual property rights belong to #TVR. The content cannot be copied, posted on any online media channel or on social networks without TVR's consent. TVR is a registered trademark and is protected.