The edition of the show Adevăruri despre trecut, broadcast on Sunday, June 27, at 3:30 PM, on #TVR1, when Gheorghe Preda and his team proposed the episode "ROMBAC 1. 11 - chronicle of an announced bankruptcy" http://bit.ly/AdevaruriDespreTrecut In the 80s, Romania manufactured passenger jet aircraft. They were called ROMBAC 1.11 and at that time only 6 countries in the world produced such aircraft. A huge subject of propaganda, the Romanian aircraft actually turned out to be a spectacular bankruptcy. Finally sold below cost to the few companies that wanted to buy it, it was a black hole in Romania's communist budget. About Ceaușescu's utopia of manufacturing a product for which the Romanian economy was not prepared in any way, find out more in a new episode "Truths about the past" / fantvr1 / tvr1.ro http://www.tvr.ro http://www.tvrplus.ro / tvrcanaluloficial All intellectual property rights belong to #TVR. The content cannot be copied, posted on any online media channel or on social networks without TVR's consent. TVR is the registered trademark and is protected.