Episode from the series Adevăruri despre trecut, broadcast on April 30 on TVR1, in which Raluca Rogojină and her team recalled the fiță of the communist era, with unique images from the Romanian television archive. During the Ceaușescu era, fiță were displayed less. That did not mean that they did not exist. In a society that claimed to have no poor or rich, you could not boast of a lot of money and valuables. Even if you had them. What was a fiță back then? As now, the word had the meaning of an expensive or exclusive practice. Out of reach of the common man. For those who ruled the country, everything that was not strictly necessary for the simple citizen was considered a luxury. A fad. Or fiță, as they would say today. In an era when the goal of the day was to have a full refrigerator, the common man had forgotten to use the verb "to buy", he more often said "to procure". It was not said "what is sold", but "what is given". This vocabulary included in its meanings the practice of files and relationships. To have them meant "to manage". The April 30 edition of the show "Truths about the Past" recalls the files of the communist era, with unpublished images from the Romanian television archive. / fantvr1 http://www.tvr.ro http://www.tvrplus.ro / tvrcanaluloficial