Episode from the series Truths about the past (https://goo.gl/RPHP1g), rebroadcast on May 4 on TVR1, in which Iulian Foisor and the show's team told us the story of the emergence and development of the production of the most beloved and popular Romanian car - Dacia. The launch of the 10,000th Dacia 1100 on the very day the Americans landed on the moon, about the 1300 and 1310 models, but also about the "fall of Lăstun". The series Truths about the past continues with the episode in which the filmmakers tell us the story of the emergence and development of the production of the most beloved and popular Romanian car - Dacia, from the emergence of the idea, in the early 60s, until the end of 1989. The de Gaulle-Maurer negotiations , the launch of the 10,000th Dacia 1100 on the very day of satelliteisation, the 1300 and 1310 models, a Dacia 2000 that belonged to Nicolae Ceauşescu, a successful rally driver in Europe, the fall of Lăstunului - the perfect rhyme for the fall of communism - are some of the moments in history the successful Romanian car-Dacia. During the communist regime, owning a personal car, regardless of its brand and wear, was considered a luxury. At the beginning of the 60s, only a few modest models, produced in the countries of the Eastern European bloc, made up the Romanian market. That's when the idea of manufacturing Romanian cars appears. In the spring of 1964, General Charles de Gaulle, the president of France, received Ion Gheorghe Maurer, the prime minister of Romania, in Paris. Among the "fruits" of this meeting are the negotiations with the Renault car company, for the assembly in our country of a model under the Dacia brand. A nationalistic brand, the leaders at the time wanted to demonstrate to the Soviet Union and the other "brothers" from the European communist bloc, that Romania can develop its industry through its own resources and cooperation with technologically advanced companies from the "capitalist camp". Negotiations with the French side were initialed in September 1966, after which, at a brisk pace, the Car Factory was built and put into operation at Colibaşi, today Mioveni. Renault supplied all the car components, which were assembled in the new factory. Party propaganda presented the production of Dacia cars as a great Romanian success. Director Iulian Foisor. Producer Raluca Rogojină / fantvr1 http://www.tvr.ro http://www.tvrplus.ro / tvrcanaluloficial