The Republican candidate for the US president, Donald Trump, does not understand the transatlantic partnership, MEP Ondřej Kolář (TOP 09) said on the CNN Prima NEWS broadcast. He added that the Republican candidate only believes in the value of money. According to Kolar, his first election and also the war in Ukraine, when Trump says that he would not help his partners, were a wake-up call for Europe. According to MEP Ivan David (SPD), it is weak-minded to believe that Russia would invade Europe. Subscribe to the news of our news portal CNNPrima.cz and stay up to date. Every day, over 200 reporters and editors bring you the most important and interesting news from home and abroad. ✉️ https://cnn.iprima.cz/newsletter 📲 Follow CNN Prima NEWS on social networks: Facebook: / cnnprima Instagram: / cnnprima Twitter: / cnnprima 💻 Visit the CNN Prima NEWS website at https://cnnprima.cz #cnnprimanews # cnnprime #politics