The Chinese economy is facing challenges and negative factors from both internal and external sources. The return of the US Presidency of Donald Trump, who announced that he would impose tariffs of at least 60% on Chinese goods, is seen as the biggest problem for the Chinese economy in years. #Tax #Trump #US #GlobalEconomy #ChineseProducts #President #Tax #Export #ExportGoods #ImportTax #ImportGoods #Mid-TermAsianEconomy #JapanCenterforEconomicResearch #JCER #DonaldTrump #Trump #ImportTaxOnChineseGoods #USCustomsTax #ChineseExport #ChineseEconomy #TrumpTax #USImportTaxOnChineseGoods #USEconomy #ChinaUS #Export #Tax#EconomicWorldSummary #TNN16 #IkbanpotTNN16 #EconomicNews #EconomicNewsTNN16 #EconomicWorldSummaryTNN16 #IkbanpotTNN16 #Economy #LatestEconomicNews Channels to follow TNN News Channel 16 https://www.tnnthailand.com https://tv.trueid.net/live/tnn16 / tnn16 / tnnthailand / tnn16live / tnnthailand / tnn_online / tnnonline Line @TNNONLINE or click https://lin.ee/4fP2tltIo Keep up with the world, the economy, and all the truth with TNN Channel 16, a news station that adheres to the principles of presenting news that is on point, fast, correct, precise, and neutral by a professional news team.