In the midst of a life full of hardships, who has not dreamed of an unexpected fortune, a turning point that can change everything. In the village of An Nhut Tan, what seemed to be only in dreams, miraculously happened: from manual laborers, suddenly became millionaires, after just one night thanks to winning the lottery. But will that fortune bring complete happiness, or just be the door leading to a series of tragedies, with no way out? The story below will open up a true picture, about human fates, facing the ups and downs behind the halo, of unexpected wealth, so that each of us wonders: Is luck really, a precious gift as we think? #phatphapnhiemmau #loiphatday #niemphat #tamlinhcothat #luatnhanqua #baoung #daophat #nhanqua #satsinh #acgiaacbao #trungso #loctroi