WE DID THE COMPLETE PATH OF FAITH WITH THE TWO BIGTRAILS MOTORCYCLES THAT ARE THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER IN BRAZIL. ????WATCH ALSO: SERRA DO RIO DO RASTRO WITH TWO TRIUMPH TIGER ARAGÓN EDITION EP.1 ???? • TRIUMPH TIGER 900 GT E RALLY 2024 RUM... SPONSORS AND PARTNERS BIEFFE RACING TEAM: @bieffecapacetes @championlubesbrasil @acaifrutabrasileiraoficial @jejdistribuidoraosasco @aliaseguros @jeskapoficial @bmwmotorrad_euromotors.jundiai @motorecia @eudaniel.china @dnafilters @vianaracing @BolachaCaipira @2mt_motorsports ???? CHANNEL PARTNERS: BIEFFE HELMETS https://www.bieffe.com.br PEELS CAPACETES https://www.peels.com.br HLX STORE https://www.hlxstore.com.br Follow us on social media and stay up to date with everything that will air in the coming weeks here on YouTube. Instagram: @mabubulla_ @ricardofox69 @motorecia Thank you and see you in the next video. #motorecia #caminhodafe #triumph #tiger900 #ricardofox #marianabubulla