The second installment of a project brought to us by Viking Kotouge! This time, four people from the same generation, including Tanaka from Ungirls, get drunk and develop an unexpected love triangle?! They also talk about old tales and get emotional!? 👇Opening theme & Part 1👇 • [Viking Kotouge and Yokohama Noge Tour] Opening theme first release! • [Viking Kotouge and Ungirls Tanaka and Yokohama Noge Tour Part 1] A drunken trip for four people from the same generation 👇Check out the previous location shoot in Sanya with Viking Kotouge👇 • [Location shoot with Viking Kotouge] Full version of the opening theme first release • [Viking Kotouge and Sanya Tour] What a day! I want to hear it • [Second half of Viking Kotouge and Sanya Tour] Is this guy an idiot?! Official Twitter account / @un_touchable_tv Official TikTok account / un_touchable_tv Official Instagram / un_touchable_tv #Untouchable #I went to Untouchable right away #Untouchable TV #Yamazaki Hiroya #Shibata Eiji #Zakiyama #Variety #Unreleased #Kotouge Eiji #Vaiking #Vaiking Kotouge #Ungirls #Ungirls Tanaka #Tanaka Takushi #Noge