🔊 Last call: THE BIGGEST COMPETITIONS IN THE WORLD take advantage of the Unlimited Subscription. plans starting at R$49.90/month. 👉🏽 Click here: https://bit.ly/3VlzNil Start: 02:38 Schedule: 00:00:00 Vignette 00:02:38 Start 00:15:39 General presentation of the board 00:20:14 Dates and fees 00:28:44 Positions 00:33:14 Vacancies 00:42:29 Remunerations 00:51:19 Program contents 01:10:16 Final Tips 📄 #TRF1Contest: Notice published for the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region (TRF1) with vacancies for higher education and a starting salary of up to R$13.9 thousand! The Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) organizes the selection for judicial technicians and analysts in several areas for the states: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Bahia, Goiás, Maranhão, Pará, Piauí, Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins and the Federal District. It's time to prepare for the TRF1 Contest, Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region, the Contest has a Published Notice. Find out the details with Vandré Amorim's Notice Analysis. 🔍 #LearnMoreAboutTRF1: ➔TRF1 contest details: https://bit.ly/3z7YB4z ➔TRF1 Contest Notice Details: https://bit.ly/3z32mbL ➔Special courses for the TRF1 Contest: https://bit.ly/3VG5sLn ➔All contests currently open: http://bit.ly/confira-concursos-abertos 💡 #StudyForContests and professional exams (OAB, CFC, Residencies): Change your life with the most modern platform, educational video classes and PDFs that get the most approvals in the country! ✨ #PlansForConcurseiro: Unlimited Subscription 9.0 with more than 37,000 courses: https://bit.ly/AssinaturaIlimitada ➔ Great Guarantee: If you don't like it within 30 days, we'll REFUND your money without any bureaucracy! 📢 POSTGRADUATE COURSES with fixed monthly payments starting at R$79.90/month. Click here. 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/3RhJETS 📚 #FreeMaterials: ➔ Check out our free materials: https://gran.gratis/MaterialGratuito 📢 #StayUpToDownWithContests with Gran Cursos Online: Like and subscribe to our channel for FREE and EXCLUSIVE content: https://gran.gratis/AssineGranYouTube The best and largest information portal about public contests: https://gran.gratis/blogGCO Follow us on Facebook: https://gran.gratis/GranOnline_Facebook Follow us on Instagram: https://gran.gratis/GranOnline_Instagram 📱 #GranCursosApps: Access and download our apps (Gran Cursos Online, Gran Cursos Questões, Gran Audiobooks and Gran study manager): https://www.grancursosonline.com.br/ #TRF12024 #TRF1Contest #TRF12024Contest #Contests2024 #OpenContests #PublicContests