Terror created his own gang in GTA ???????? Red Gang, a new kingdom! Today GTA news reported that Mexican gangs have entered the city of Sandy Shores and want to expand their territory and take over there. When Terror heard this news, he got angry and decided to form his own gang, which would be a group of criminals and dangerous gangsters, and call it the Red Gang or Terror Gang, and start his own empire in GTA and fight other gangs ... SOLI GAME ???? I love you Link to the previous video • Police vs. the most criminal guy in GTA ... Don't forget to subscribe because there are a lot of cool videos on the way ???? / @soligame Instagram https://instagram.com/soligame_?igshi... Terror created his own gang in GTA Red Gang, a new kingdom Terror Gang GTA GTA GTA Seli Game soligame #GTA #GTA #SeliGame