Cure arthrosis - 5 mistakes in treating joints. How to properly treat arthrosis of the knee, hip, shoulder or elbow joints, and arthrosis of the big toe. Dear friends, in some time we plan to make another program on this topic - with answers to your most frequently asked questions. USEFUL LINKS: ARTICLE: Chondroprotectors - drugs for the treatment of arthrosis: http://www.evdokimenko.ru/hondroprote... VIDEO: Gymnastics for the treatment of knee joints: • Gymnastics for the treatment of knees, part 1 -... Gymnastics for the treatment of hip joints: • Gymnastics for the hip joints... Gymnastics for the treatment of shoulder joints: • Top 8 exercises for the treatment of the shoulder. G... Gymnastics for the elbow joints: • EXERCISES for the TREATMENT OF ELBOWS. Gymna... Exercises for the treatment of the big toe: • Exercises for a bone on the foot, gymna... *** Music: composition "Constellation", author and performer - DiDuLya: / didulamedia Director, cameraman and video editing - Ilya Paley: / ilyapaley1 *** ATTENTION! This video is educational and informational in nature. There are contraindications. Before using the recommendations and advice from the video, ALWAYS consult a doctor! ***