This film is still a thorn in the side of many. Is violence glorified here? Is the protagonist someone who stirs up hatred against minorities? Or is he simply crazy? And does the film represent the same position as its main character? In short: Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver" polarizes to this day. Even worse than the worriers are of course those who would like to help Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro) - the ideology behind it is: Sure, Travis has some problems, but a few experts and therapists could make them disappear. But this should also make the radical criticism, the total denial that Travis articulates and which connects him not least with the philosopher Theodor W. Adorno, disappear. Now more than ever, it is clear that we cannot simply leave this masterpiece from the New Hollywood era behind us. More on this from Wolfgang M. Schmitt in the video! You can support THE FILM ANALYSIS financially - thank you very much! Wolfgang M. Schmitt Subject: THE FILM ANALYSIS IBAN: DE29 5745 0120 0130 7858 43 BIC: MALADE51NWD PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/filmanalyse In PROSPERITY FOR ALL, Ole Nymoen and I talk about the current crisis and a possible end to neoliberalism: https://wohlstandfueralle.podigee.io/ I talk to Stefan Schulz in the salon (for Steady subscribers) of the NEUE ZWANZIGER about the first episode of the third season of WESTWORLD: https://steadyhq.com/de/neuezwanziger... THE FILM ANALYSIS for THE BLACK FALCON (THE SEARCHERS): • THE SEARCHERS - THE BLACK FALCON - ... Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Twitter: / schmittjunior Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Facebook: / wolfgangm.schmittjun http://www.fatboyfilm.de / fatboyfilm / fatboyfilm