Meet the story of Katharin Faisely, a 24-year-old Colombian who has been on the road for a year traveling through Latin America, with plans to travel the world, on a 114 cubic centimeter Yamaha Crypton scooter. If you want to help Katherin on her journey, I provide the contacts: Fan page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/katharinfaisely Katharin was kindly sponsored here in Salvador-BA by Concessionária Guimarães Motos: Address: Av. Gen. Graça Lessa, 115 - Acupe de Brotas, Salvador - BA, 40290-110 Phone: (71) 3357-5000 Whatsapp: (71) 99239-0553 Map: https://goo.gl/cMBPBG YAMAHA MOTOFÁCIL here in Salvador gave Katharin a complete review, this Tuesday, October 3, 2017. Thanks to Yamaha Motofácil for the kindness. ******************************************************************** Advertise your motorcycle, accessories and equipment in the buy and sell group on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/sepulvedamotobrasil/ Follow www.instagram.com/chicosepulveda ******************************************************************** Help boost this channel, be a Sponsor! Visit www.padrim.com.br/chicosepulveda If you prefer to make a sporadic donation, I provide the checking account for direct deposit, here are the details: Banco Bradesco Agency: 3173 Checking Account: 70326-5 Francisco Sepulveda I ask that whenever you make contributions, send an email to [email protected] with proof of deposit so that I can place it in the contribution categories and send the respective Sponsor reward! Thank you very much! ******************************************************************** SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL, ACTIVATE THE ???? NOTIFICATIONS Use the hashtag #sepulvedaresponde to ask your question on the channel. Link to WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/3eecxIUrqbl... Link to Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/GGHURkHT4lxHXfC... Link to Chopper Road 150 Owners WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FCITHpQC4Oo... Link to Chopper Road 150 Owners Facebook Group: / 501479366910086 ******************************************************************** My contact: [email protected] Follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/chicosepulveda Register with Meliuz through this link and earn R$10.00 in bonus, Meliuz gives you 4% of the purchase value back on AliExpress and partner stores.: https://www.meliuz.com.br/i/ref_7b8a0...