Video mainly dedicated to transits in the Asti station. Special thanks to @lospotterastigiano for the videos. Enjoy. 00:00 intro 00:12 LIS E464.090 + D445.1082 Turin PN 00:32 E652.115 + car transporters 01:12 E652.015 + E652.089 01:30 E405.036 + H wagons 02:13 LIS E494.528 + DE520.004 + DE520.011 02:54 E464.389 dispatch Alessandria (pilot X n.605) 03:15 E652.172 (1000) + S wagons 03:46 dispatch Turin-Alessandria 04:03 LIS E464.520 + E464.536 + E464.533 04:36 E405.031 + wagons H 05:14 INV Alessandria-Turin 05:40 E189.xxx + container 07:39 E652.086 + cement container 08:09 INV Alessandria-Turin PN (pilot X n.306) 08:43 E494 GTS + container 09:15 INV ALn501 09:49 E405.039 + wagons S 10:26 LIS DE520.008 10:49 RV for Turin PN 11:37 IC Salerno - Turin PN 12:32 FB Roma Termini - Turin PN