#chestvoice #headvoice #vocalregisters Welcome to another Cantando com Manu video. Today I will answer a question from a subscriber about how to transition between chest voice and head voice. Learn here what are the most common mistakes people make when transitioning between these two registers and how you can solve vocal breaks. ========================================================= FIND OUT EVERYTHING ABOUT MY ONLINE SINGING COURSE FROM ZERO TO THE STAGE: https://bit.ly/2Zm4kiK ================================================================== GET MY KIT NOW WITH 60 VOCALIZATIONS TO MAKE YOUR VOICE GROW: https://cantando.manucavalaro.com.br/... ============================================================== DISCOVER THE BEST PLAYLISTS ON THIS CHANNEL: For beginners who want complete singing lessons, in this playlist you will find complete lessons with breathing exercises, warm-ups and vocalizations: • Complete singing lessons!!! CREATE YOUR OWN INTERPRETATION: If you are looking to create your own personality in the songs you sing, watch the playlist on vocal interpretation with several days and exercises that will take your interpretation to another level: • Vocal interpretation ================================================================== LISTEN TO MY NEW CD: Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/244633722 Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/1pyKjDX... ALSO ACCESS: Telegram: https://t.me/cantandocommanu Instagram- http://bit.ly/2SJizfe Website- https://manucavalaro.com.br/ Facebook- https://bit.ly/3umWQK2 Don't click here: http://bit.ly/34kQ0q