In this series of videos, Professor Petronio Castro addresses extremely important topics for public examinations and promotes targeted online courses. Online Courses: http://www.petroniocastro.com.br Download the PDF of this class: https://tinyurl.com/2ufjhv5y Transactional leadership is based on the exchange of rewards for services. It involves two patterns of behavior: • Contingent reward - the leader praises, recognizes the effort or even increases the salary based on the proposed task being completed and the objectives being achieved. • Management by exception - the leader adopts a punitive conduct, only interfering with the subordinates when something is wrong. --- The transformational leader has 4 peculiar characteristics: • Idealized influence: They have charisma, are admired, respected and trusted. They provide vision and a sense of mission. • Inspirational motivation: They inspire and motivate their followers to work towards common goals, aiming to achieve significant and challenging targets, and increase organizational performance. • Intellectual Stimulation: Encourages employees to seek creative and innovative solutions. Promotes intelligence. • Individualized Consideration: The leader actively works to create a diverse environment where individual differences are respected and celebrated, treating each member of their team in a unique and personalized way.