Telecinema performed in FULL HD (1920x1080) by Tele-cinema.it with film scanner frame by frame on films shot with Super8 Kodachrome25 film from 1972 to 1977 by Giorgio Vedovato of Padua. To have it write to [email protected] DVD CONTENTS: 1972 part 1: Between Carmagnola, Fossano and Bra, with E 432, E 554, shunting and with goods towards S. Giuseppe di Cairo, Ale 840 dual-current, Aln 668. The 880 arriving in Bra and the 640 to and from Nizza Monferrato. At Nizza Monferrato with the E 431.010 and the 640 + the D 345. At Cantalupo with the E. 626 + E. 554( x 2) + 432, and the 685.196 of the GRAF. At the DL and Alessandria station locos 835, 640, 685, E 444. 1974 part 2: From Cantalupo towards Alessandria ev/Acqui with the E 626, E 554, and the E 432. At S. Giuseppe di Cairo (industry, station and DL) with loco 830 the diesel NE 700, a shunting D., the E 432, E 554. Ale 840 dual-current. Acqui station with the E 432 and the 840 dual-current. at Bistagno the 554 with freight. The D 345 and the 640 towards Cantalupo where we see the E.626 + E554 and the E554 with passengers. Near Alessandria E. 646, Ale 601, and the 640. 1975 PART 3: Saluzzo - Costigliole - Cuneo and Cuneo Gesso with the 880, E 636, Aln 772. Bra - Alba - Nizza M. 640 with freight and 640 + 640 in symmetrical. In line for Acqui Terme E 432 and the E 554 with freight, Ale 840 dual current. Alessandria DL 835 and 743 shunting. 1977 part 4: The Aosta Rally by the GATT of Turin - Rally Poster. From Ivrea to Aosta with the 685.196 to which is added at the end the 640.003. Aosta station and DL Aln772, 640 in shunting. The 743.283 departing towards Nus and return. The 625.116 in PF. Departure towards Pré St. Didier in symmetric 640.003 + 625.116 and vice versa on the return to Aosta.