VOLLEYBALL COURSE http://bit.ly/2LkS38D In today's video I will show you how to do and train volleyball alone, there are three exercises for you to train without losing the rhythm. The fundamentals used are touch, header and attack. In the first exercise you perform a header, a touch and an attack fitting the ball. In the second exercise you throw the ball high and attack. In the third exercise you touch the ball lifting it more to the center and make an attack. Practice volleyball volleyball is health volleyball is life. • TRAINING VOLLEYBALL ALONE FITS AND HAS... Follow me on social media Prof. Giovani Soldera fan page / gigiosoldera facebook page / giovani.soldera Subscribe to the channel / @professorsoldera #volleyball #volley #volleyball #volley #brazil #volleyball2019 #volleyballgame #volleyballball #women'svolleyball #volleyballsport #superleague #olympics #sadacruzeiro #volleyball #volleyballgame #minasmen'svolleyball #volleyballplays #volleyskills #blocking #perfectvolleyballplays #sãopaulobaruervolley #bestvolleyballmoments #flamengovolley #dangerousvolley #voleyball #poolvolleyball