Profit and Loss Statement, Closing and Opening Training in Sepidar Software. To view all the videos of this training course in archive format for free, visit the link below: https://hesabcenter.com/sepidar-softw... Please, if you liked our training videos and would like them to continue, leave us your valuable comments and click the Subscribe button to be notified of our new trainings. Prepared by the Center Account Group #Profit_and_Loss_Document_Training #Opening_Document_Training #Closing_Document_Training #Accounting_Document_Registration_Training #Spidar_Document_Registration #Spidar_Accounting_Document_Review #Spidar_Training #Spidar_Accounting_Software_Training #Spidar #Spidar_Training #Free_Spidar_Training #Spidar_Software_Training #Center_Account #Center_Account #Comprehensive_Course_Zero_to_Hundred_Spidar_Software_Chapter_1_Part_5