In today's lesson we will see how to play songs by ear, how we can develop our musical hearing with good auditory training by consciously listening to musical pieces. If you want to go deeper, here are eight tips to improve your auditory skills: • Improve your musical hearing and start... Download the PDF of this lesson here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q2kyl3... To play songs by ear, the first thing we need to know is that there are two types of hearing, absolute and relative, our goal will be to develop the relative, so we will have to use an instrument to compare what we are playing. Then we will listen to the song looking to identify who makes the melody, who makes the harmony and who makes the rhythm, the objective is to learn to separate the elements, to be able to listen to things independently. To play a melody by ear, the key is to be able to sing what we are going to play, if we can do it easily we will transfer it to the instrument, this is one of the best forms of auditory training that exist. Knowing the melody, what we are going to do is relate it to the chords, looking to discover the chords that are used. This video series is based on guitar practice, its purpose is to optimize practice sessions in order to achieve results in a short time, it is not just about dedicating hours to the instrument, it is about knowing how to use the time to cover many things with a single exercise. Find in this list tools that will help you get songs out in a more effective way: • Tools to get songs out Get to know our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Buy our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro... #guitarclasses #guitar #playguitar