I tried to recreate the Kawagoe Express, which was introduced in the timetable change in March 2019! The 50090 series that actually runs has a three-color LED guide display, but this time I tried to recreate the train vision with an LCD! Although this is a fictional reproduction, if you find any complete mistakes such as spelling mistakes, please let me know in the comments. *This video has been re-uploaded. The following points have been corrected. ・The destination was not displayed on the "Next" and "Coming Soon" screens ・Addition of voice before departing Ikebukuro ・Correction of some route maps Regarding the person in charge of broadcasting From this time, the person in charge of Japanese on the Tobu Tojo Line has changed to Tomomi Kuno. The person in charge of English is the same as before, Christel Chiari. This time, I used the script from Musashino Channel. ↓Musashino Channel / musashinolines This blog contains the behind-the-scenes story of the train vision and the creation status. Please take a look. ↓Blog http://nisshi2484.hatenablog.jp/ HP↓ https://nisshi24.jimdofree.com/ Twitter↓ / seibunisshi24