Tips and prices in Russia. In this video we show you our hotel in St. Petersburg, you can get an idea of what is available in Russian supermarkets and then we take a nice tour of some of the most beautiful metro stations. We also show you how to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg by fast train, the Sapsan. Subscribe to our channel: / @gatoveioaindavoa4556 Train Moscow to St. Petersburg #Sapsan #Russia #Saint Petersburg #Sapsan Hotel supermarket metro #Сапсан #Saffire Hotel #Nievsky #Невскии Проспект #Отель Сапффире #Train Moscow-St. Petersburg For Russian language lessons and more information about Russia, see also: Prof. Henrique Canary - Whatsap: +55 11 98456-9949 Thiago de Melo's channel: / @vemamimlingarussa Youtube Music: Billy Goat Stomp - Joel Cummins.mp3 King Porter Stomp - Joel Cummins.mp3 Sonatina No 2 in F Major Allegro - Joel Cummins.mp3