???????? MARCELO BOLINHA STORE - https://www.marcelobolinha.com.br/ Nowadays, with the level of quality we have in meat animals, there are several cuts that are often requested at barbecues, such as: empty , chuck, sirloin, brisket, rump... As I always say: there is no second-class meat in first-class beef. But, it's no wonder that Picanha is known as the queen of barbecue. With its undeniable taste and flavor, it is always a highlight in roasts. And in today's video I bring Picanha in coarse salt, on a skewer and in medallions. My friends... it was simply sensational! #VaiTerBarbecue A hug from the gaucho! ==================== Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarceloBoli... ======== ============ • Marcelo Bolinha utensils used in the video: ???? Slim Sword Skewer https://www.marcelobolinha.com.br/esp... ???? Aladdin Butcher Knife 8 Inch. https://www.marcelobolinha.com.br/fac... ???? Leather Apron https://www.marcelobolinha.com.br/ace... ???? Seasonings https://www.marcelobolinha.com.br/ there is... ???? Puxador de Brasa https://www.marcelobolinha.com.br/ace... ==================== ???? Follow me on social media : // Instagram / marcelobolinhacarnes // facebook / marcelobolinhacarnes ==================== #MarceloBolinha #VaiTerChurrasco #Picanha #Churrasco #Assado #Churrasqueira #DicasDeChurrasco #ComoFazerChurrasco #Picanha # PicanhaAoPonto #PicanhaTradicional