In the fourth episode of Keet! Esther travels to Kring van Dorth. Here she meets the boys from 'Keet Melkstal FM.' The boys go tractor pulling and that involves a lot of 'violence'. On a nearby stream they let themselves be pulled along on a large swimming ring by a pulley attached to a tractor. A spectacular scene. In the evening the friends end with a party and lots of beer. Want to follow all the news from Gelderland? Then subscribe to our channel: https://ogld.nl/myo Download our free news app: App Store: https://ogld.nl/jwh Google Play Store: https://ogld.nl/jwi Also follow us on: Instagram: https://ogld.nl/jwj Facebook: https://ogld.nl/jwk Twitter: https://ogld.nl/jwl Website: https://www.gld.nl #omroepgld #keet #achterhoek