"Towards the goal" is a song that Paul Schneider practices with his "singing circle" in the musical "Paul & Gretel - Not a fairytale" in order to sing it at a funeral at which he is to preach. The song is later sung at his own funeral. The sheet music can be downloaded free of charge here: https://www.mengermusic.de/produkt/de... Also available for congregations from CCLI: https://songselect.ccli.com/songs/724... CCLI song no. 7240861 "Paul & Gretel - Not a fairytale" tells the story of Margarete and Paul Schneider, the "preacher of Buchenwald". The musical inspires with its diverse musical styles, string orchestra and band, the actors aged 8-80 and the fantastic choir with over 500 singers. Information and dates at: http://www.paul-und-gretel.de/ A project by https://www.mengermusic.de and https://www.sdg-ev.de CD and DVD available at: https://www.mengermusic.de/thema/paul... (now also available as a stream at: https://mengermusic.vhx.tv/) Verse 1 We are pilgrims on the way to the eternal land, we have no permanent city here. We are pilgrims following him who promised us a home and gave us hope. Chorus Towards the goal, where we see him, ask him everything and understand. Sorrow and joy come from his kind hand. We are pilgrims on the way to the eternal land. We are pilgrims on the way to the eternal land. Verse 2 Our life on earth passes like the wind, what endures is faith in him, who leads us on his way until we stand one before him, let us go happy and hopeful. Verse 3 Until we are with him, we will be met with injustice and suffering, as Jesus predicted. But because he overcame it and rose from the dead, we will enter the eternal city. Text & Melody: Peter Menger