I had a lot of trouble correcting the motions of all three characters and adding some simple additional facial expressions. _(:3 」∠ )_ [Original song] Umetora [Luka Miku Gumi IA Rin] jewel [Original] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2090... [Songs used] Nanna Moeko Unagi Yurochi Moni Haidamio Di-duke jewel I tried singing ◆Minami Moe Uotori Mo Mio◆ https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2096... [Traced from] Umekappa Porushi Tsukineko / Choreography: Porushi [Umekappa ✖︎Porushi ✖︎Tsukineko] jewel I tried dancing [Original choreography] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3600... [Motion used] Eva Junkoda Oisis / Camera motion Ichigo Gyunyuu [MMD Touken Ranbu_Collaboration] jewel [Motion/Camera Distribution] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3618...