Totò Terzo Uomo is a 1951 film directed by Mario Mattoli. In a small village live Pietro and Paolo (both played by Totò), two twin brothers with opposite characters; Pietro, the mayor of the village, is gruff, precise, fussy and all in one piece and never lets his wife (Bice Valori) speak; totally different from his brother is Paolo, who loves the good life and beautiful women, like the wife of the innkeeper Oreste (Carlo Campanini) to the detriment of his wife. The quarrel between the two brothers has repercussions on the whole village, because the construction of the new prison, which will provide bread and work for everyone, will be built on land owned by Paolo and despite the fact that there is already a municipal resolution for the acquisition of the land by the municipality, Pietro refuses to go ahead with the transaction with his brother, thus blocking the start of the work, because he fears that people might think he is showing favoritism to his brother. Anacleto (Aroldo Tieri), the town tailor who is better at setting up scams than clothes, will try to take advantage of the situation: in prison he met Totò, Pietro and Paolo's secret third twin brother, who, once he was released, he instructed to enter Pietro's house, pretending to be Pietro, to get him to give him the money that was due to Paolo for the sale of the land.