This video shows how to calculate the topographic azimuth using the Pol (x,y) function of the Casio fx-82MS calculator. It shows basic concepts, teaches how to transform the Casio fx-82MS coordinate system (right-hand or dextrorotatory system) into the coordinate system used in Topography (left-hand or levorotatory system). It concludes that the azimuth of the Casio fx-82MS has the South as its counting origin, while the topographic azimuth has the North. Check it out! Casio fx-82MS calculator. Dextrorotatory System. Right-Hand System. Levorotatory System. Left-Hand System. Topographic Azimuth. Transforming Rectangular Coordinates into Polar Coordinates. Topographic Quadrants. Trigonometric Quadrants. Rotation Operator. Inversion of Oriented Axes.