Topi Borg is best known as the Topi from the Kirjolla series. As the star of a series depicting people living on the autism spectrum, he has become a celebrity of the entire nation in an instant, and his popularity has been further increased by his flourishing personality in interviews. Like many other Finns, I liked Topi, and I wanted to talk to him. Here's that conversation. What was it like to write your own biography? Does Topi think it's okay to joke about autism? What do Topi's thoughts look like? How did Topi learn to read people's body language? What, in Topi's opinion, is the most special thing about neurotypicals? --- ▶️ Subscribe to the channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/Futucastpodc... ???? Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/fi/podcast... ???? Spotify: https:// spoti.fi/32scrMD ???? Google Podcasts: https://bit.ly/3ma1Ayj ???? Futucast.com: https://www.futucast.com ???? Twitter: / futucast ???? Tiktok: / futucast ???? Instagram: / futucast ???? Linkedin: / futucast ???? Facebook: / futucast