Download 20 Games with Distancing for Free: https://edfisica.recriandojogosebrinc... Complete Lesson Plan for the Early Years: https://recriandojogosebrincadeiras.c... Combo of Physical Education Materials: https://recriandojogosebrincadeiras.c ... Instagram: / recriando_jogos_e_brincadeiras Face: / 417344212836901 Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/jlEvrawvt7czMjAx Rules: We will place the chess pieces in the game of dodgeball, where each one has a different role within the game. King: the most important piece in the game, if burned the game is over. He cannot burn his opponents, he can only throw the ball to the cross. Tower: the tower cannot be burned and can only burn the queen, and cannot burn other players, its main function is to protect the king. Bishop: the bishop can invade the field or cross the opponent's field and take the ball if it is free. The bishop is not allowed to take the ball from anyone Knight: The knight can cross the enemy field and go to the crossroads to save those who were burned, to do so it will have to cross the field hand in hand with the saved person. If in the middle of the course he lets go of his hand or someone from the opposing team catches him, he will be stuck in place. The person who was being saved will return to the cross. To take off the horse, your team simply throws the ball to it. The horse may also be collared when crossing the field to go to the cross, so keep an eye on it. It can burn and be burned normally Queen: The queen is considered one of the strongest pieces in the game, as it can burn and cannot be burned by the other pieces, the only piece that can burn the queen is the rook. In total we will have 1 king, 1 rook, 2 bishops, 1 knight and 1 queen. The other students will be normal pawns and can burn and be burned normally. It's interesting to introduce the characters little by little.