MOLE 10 No. 56 on SOUND ILLUSIONS, not to be confused with auditory hallucinations that I had already covered here: • TOP 10 AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS ----------------------------------------------- My sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditor... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effet_D... http://users.skynet.be/illusionsaudit... http://philomel.com/index.php https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaura... http://illusions-sonores.e-monsite.co... http://deutsch.ucsd.edu/psychology/pa... http://scd.docinsa.insa-lyon.fr/illus... BBC Two Horizon CD Science et vie Jr The hairdresser's 3D sound in full: • Video ----------------------------------------------- If you like the video or the channel, support it by sharing the link on your Facebook or Twitter account. The channel has over 50,000 subscribers above a million, and it sounds like an illusion to me! Thanks to all! Facebook: / taupe10fr Twitter: / taupe10videos Vine: https://vine.co/u/1113478661702606848 Snapchat: Taupe10videos And if you read the description to the end, it's because you're really curious (or you like me a lot, in which case you can click on the blue thumb to tell me :) )