In this video, the ten most important equations in Excel are explained that make you a professional in the program... Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, activate the bell button, and like the video.... You can also watch the rest of the videos related to Excel from here: - Excel from scratch to professionalism (Part One) Excel From zero to hero • Excel from scratch to professionalism (Part Two) • AutoFill in Excel • AutoFill in Excel tool with all basics... • How to create a table on Excel with professional formatting • How to create a table on Excel with formatting (for... Ten important equations that you must know in Excel Equations in Excel that you must know The most important and most used Excel equations The 10 most important functions in Excel that make you an Excel expert Excel 2016 Excel course Teaching Excel Excel course The ten most important equations in Excel Excel functions Explanation of Excel Explanation of Excel Excel function series The most important functions Excel microsoft excel excel 2016 learn excel excel tutorial excel 2019 microsoft excel tutorial teach excel learn excel excel functions #excel_course excel tutorial for beginners how to use excel