Subscribe to our channel and watch new videos every week. ⭐️ Bebefinn German - Children's songs : / @bebefinn_deutsch More videos from Bebefinn: • Learning numbers for children 123 numbers... ---- ⏰ Timestamp 00:00:00 Color train song 00:03:02 T-Rex song 00:05:54 Surprise dino egg song 00:08:50 We wish you a merry Christmas 00:11:49 Knock, knock, who's there? 00:15:00 Jungle boogie 00:17:48 Cover your sneeze 00:20:46 Halloween costume party 00:23:44 When you're sad 00:26:51 I am special ★ Lyrics Everyone aboard! Throat-throat, color train. Toot-toot, color train. Rolling all the way there. Here comes the color train. Toot-toot, color train. Would you like to get on here? Toot-toot, color train. Come on, we're all going! To the mountains! To the sea! Across the river! La la la la. La la la la, la la la la. Throttle-toot, color train. Toot-toot, color train. Rolling all the way there. Here comes the color train. Throttle-toot, color train. Toot-toot, color train. Rolling all the way there. Here comes the color train. Toot-toot, color train. Let's take the green train. Toot-toot, color train. Would you like to get on here? Toot-toot, color train. Come on, we're all going! To the mountains! To the sea! Across the river! La la la la. La la la la, la la la la. Throttle-toot, color train. Toot-toot, color train. Rolling all the way there. Here comes the color train. Come on, we're all going on the train. Hey! Toot-toot train. Toot-toot train. Let's call and sing together. Toot-toot, toot-toot. Toot-toot, toot-toot. Toot-toot, color train. Toot-toot, color train. Roll all the way there. Here comes the color train. Toot-toot, color train. Toot-toot, color train. Roll all the way there. Here comes the color train. Toot-toot, color train. Let's take the blue train. Toot-toot, color train. Come on, we're all going with you! To the mountains! To the sea! Across the river! La la la la. La la la la, la la la la. Toot-toot, color train. Toot-toot, color train. Roll all the way there. Here comes the color train. Come on, we're all going on the train. Hey! Toot-toot train. Toot-toot train. Let's call and sing together. Toot-toot, toot-toot. Toot-toot, toot-toot. Toot-toot, color train. Toot-toot, color train. Rolling all the way there. Here comes the color train. Toot-toot, color train. Toot-toot, color train. Rolling all the way there. Here comes the color train! ---- Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ⭐️ Learn more good kids songs: / @pinkfong_deutsch ★ App (Baby Shark Best Kids Songs & Stories) https://fong.kr/119/09 ???? Visit our Official Store : https://fong.kr/10826/ ★ Website: https://www.pinkfong.com ★ Facebook: / bebefinn.global ★ TikTok: / bebefinn_official ★ Instagram: / bebefinn.official ★ Twitter: / pinkfong_usa - Please take a moment and take a survey for better content ✅ We would love to hear from you! ➡ https://forms.gle/evESppNW4Rv4vGkz8 #Bebefinn #BebefinnDeutsch #BebefinnGerman #BebefinnNurseryrhymes #BebefinnBabyShark #Kinderlieder Copyright © 2024 The Pinkfong Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.