???? EXPLORE THE UNIQUE ENERGY OF GAÚCHA MUSIC IN OUR EXCLUSIVE PLAYLIST: • BEST GAÚCHA SONGS: TOP 22 CLASSICS... ???? DO YOU DREAM OF HAVING YOUR PLAYING AND/OR SINGING VIDEO PUBLISHED ON OUR CHANNEL? SO, CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP TO BE PART OF THIS MUSICAL COMMUNITY: https://wa.me/5551999559587 ???? FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas TIK TOK: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/user/31q5j5h... ???? CHECK OUT THE LYRICS OF THE SONG YOU LIKE: I traded my bay horse And some harnesses I had For an old accordion Just to play for the little girls I grew up weeding cassava Sleeping by the taps Today I play on the keyboard Of my old accordion And nobody believed That I would become a bagpiper Today I live saddled In a very country swing And nobody believed That I would become a bagpiper Today I live saddled In a very country swing Bagpiper, oh! I'm a bagpiper too much Bagpiper, oh! Wherever the wind takes me, I'll go My father always said Oh, kid, go study Because after I'm gone Who's going to support you My old man, don't worry Your son is a great guy today Because I earn my living with honor Embraced by my bagpipe And no one believed That I would become a bagpiper Today I live saddled In a very country swing And no one believed That I would become a bagpiper Today I live saddled In a very country swing Bagpiper, oh! I'm a bagpiper too much Bagpiper, oh! Wherever the wind takes me, I'll go My boy has known my touch well since he was little He's asked me for a bagpipe Instead of a ball or a slingshot I want him to grow up playing All over this big river I'm going to leave you as an inheritance The bagpiper tradition And no one believed That I would become a bagpiper Today I live saddled In a very country swing And no one believed That I would become a bagpiper Today I live saddled In a very country swing Bagpiper, oh! I am a bagpiper, oh! Wherever the wind goes I go COMPOSER/LYRICS: AMARO PERES ???? SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL TO FOLLOW THE LATEST NEWS. #riograndedosul #GauchoMusic #FarroupilhaWeek #TheBestGauchoSongs #AlmadoRioGrandeCandieiroCDBailãoGaúcho #GauchoMusic #GauchescaMusic #The100MostPlayedGauchoSongs #MusicFromTheSouth #TraditionalMusic #The20BestGauchoSongs #MostPlayedGauchesca #NativistMusic #TraditionalGauchoMusic #MostPlayedGauchescaMusic #bagpiperformore #porcaveia