Too Expensive, written by Leo Tolstoy, is a short story that explores the dynamics of power, morality, and bureaucracy. Set in a small kingdom, it tells the peculiar story of how a seemingly simple crime and its punishment trigger a chain of absurd administrative decisions that lead to an unexpected outcome. The story stands out for its satirical tone and its criticism of government inefficiency. Tolstoy wrote this story inspired by his interest in political satire, showing his ability to deal with serious issues in a humorous and reflective style at the same time. Follow me on my networks: INSTAGRAM -- / donfilosofo TIKTOK -- / donfilosofo TELEGRAM -- https://t.me/donfilosofo FACEBOOK -- / donfilosofo SECONDARY CHANNEL -- / @donfilosofoinstantaneo #donfilosofo #filosofia #filosofo #literatura #escritura #audiolibro #audiolibrocompleto #audiolibros #libros #audios #tolstoi #russianliterature #socialcriticism Be a member of this channel to access benefits: / @don.filosofo