Today we're comparing a few salute batteries. My top 3 1. Funke Eisbrecher 2. Iskra 100 3. Pyrofactory Uzi/Birdkiller (watch in another video) Feel free to subscribe and rate the video. Feel free to comment and let's discuss it. This is where I order fireworks: www.pyrodimension.de www.pyroland.de www.Pyrolux.de www.feuerwerksvitrine.de #funke #argento #weco #lidl #zink #feuerwerk #silvester #iskra #xplode #blackboxx #gaoo #schallerzeuger If you want to know how to really bring light into the darkness, then click on the link and order from Olight! You won't be at a disadvantage, but you will support my channel. https://www.olightstore.de/?shareUid=...