https://www.csfd.cz/film/279799-zejtr... Every night, millions of people fall asleep thinking that they will change their lives and that tomorrow they will finally do something differently. Petr Kraus is one of those millions. He travels to China for work, where he arranges the production of goods for his customers. He gets an order from a person he doesn't really like, but he still sets out to work with the prospect of an interesting income. In the meantime, he arranges several blind dates from afar before returning home, believing that he might meet someone who will change his life. In the Czech Republic, he finds out that he has ruined the entire order and has only a few days to put things in order. But he doesn't give up on his blind dates, even though his best friend Tereza doesn't like it. Petr sets off on a journey across the country to discover new friends, and in the process, he discovers that he can't do without those who have been close to him forever. On a journey that may change his life and where he realizes that he cannot run away from problems forever, because they will always find him in the end. And since all important things are in our dreams, it is possible that Petr's will come true too. Tomorrow Forever is a film about all of us. About our dreams, about the changes in life that we want to make, but are often afraid of. A film about friendship and meetings that cannot be expected. A film about freedom and the desire to travel while knowing that we have somewhere to return to. The film distribution company AQS, as (Bioscop and Magic Box) offers you Czech and Slovak films, series and foreign films with dubbing or Czech subtitles. And all this legally and completely free of charge.